Virtual Cage Technology, developed by Lubker Distribution, brings uniquely designed, easy to navigate product supply analytics to the customer. Customizable, and designed to suit specific inventory management agendas, this product reaches deep into the supply history files to research trends and find supply patterns within the areas of:
- Part Usage,
- Replenishment Velocity,
- Inventory Turns,
- Lot Traceability, and
- Where Used analysis
Virtual Cage technology helps you determine ‘real’ inventory turns, assess bin size optimization, develop ideal Min/Max stocking parameters, evaluate total cost of ownership, optimize labor vs. cost of goods, and, among others, analyze on time delivery and premium freight costs
Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Expense Analysis
- Purchase Orders created (#)
- Cost of Goods ($’s)
- Releases created (#)
- Receipt Transactions (#)
- Movement Transactions (#)
- Return Transactions (#)
- Return Transactions (#)
- Payments to Suppliers (#)
- Inventory ($’s)
- Inventory Shrinkage ($’s)
- Freight Costs ($’s)
- Storage Space (SF)!